Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Y 3:22 PM TEll me something i dont know. i love fireworks. they're so pretty. they make you feel so small and ugly. they make you feel like there are better things in life than to worry bout uni and stupid things. saturday: it rained and so alvin and i couldnt have our picnic)): but i insisted on going to botanicals thinking that the rain will stop but... too bad alvin had to walk in the rain(with an umbrella of course) with me...as usual we walked the whole botanical gardens...hurhur...we're walking people... and then we went to coronation for GOLDEN ROOSTER DINNER!!! ![]() yepp and after dinner i went to his house...for like 15mins...haha but i'm glad i went cause i could see...GARRY!!!he kept following me around...and then i fell asleep for a while and alvin said that garry was sitting on the floor looking at me sleep...most prob laughing at how lazy i am... i really didnt like saturday cause it rained like crazy...and it was super cold...but because of that i was given... this jacket((: with his smell...haha...so now i keep smelling it...hurhur...this is gonna keep me going for this week...cause its owner is going to be super busy...smellie army. i hate it. keep giving them stupid homework and smellie reports. ohhhhmyyy... but i guess its good...cause now i'll have the time to slowly thing about what i really want (:
Sunday, August 17, 2008 Y 10:50 PM YUMMMMY sunday ![]() ![]() i reallie reallie just want to live by the beach, slack and do nothing...or maybe teach some uneducated people who live by the beach too...hurhur. i do enjoy my uni life though. but sometimes i just feel like i'm not living a meaningful life. after watching the olympics i suddenly have the urge to DO SOMETHING. haha... anyways this weekend is HOMEWORK weekend. me with my assignments and the dude with his smellie army reports/research/blahblah yepp...i've proven what i want to prove and the answer is obvious eventhough he might think otherwise. happy kappy restaurant for lunch today((: look at my prawn mee!!! the bowl was reallie big and so were the PRAWNS!! and there were THREE OF THEM!!! the thing is i dont reallie like to eat prawns whatmore these still had their shells on!! BUT this 8.90 meal is most prob 8.90 cause of the giant prawns!!! so...poor alvin had to peel them for me...hurhur!! his punishment for being _____. anyways. i think i need to get away alone. to think what to do with my life. i think its good to take a break from relationships sometimes. Sunday, August 10, 2008 Y 9:23 PM ![]() NATIONAL DAY!!!!! went to the singapore national museum to camwhore with kester zoe shiya terence((: nice place to camwhore!!! hurhur...and its my second time to a singapore museum...(my first was during a pri sch learning journey) omggg...i'm like so unpatriotic...yepp... we wanted to watch ndp fireworks but realised that we wont be able to go home if we do so... bugis for dinner and de smellie mushroom joined us...and then pool after((: and omggg the taxi ride to bukit timah plaza was like so bumpy dat everyone was dizzy after getting out of de cab... had fun though with my beloved friends((: went to alvin's house todayyyy to visit garry the dog!!! hes got a new haircut which makes his head look super tiny...hurhur...poor garry... yepp met alvin at BPP for lunch den went to his house...slacked ard and helped out to beautify THE DONGS' PHOTOALBUM (my pressie)!! hurhur...and then we WALKED to bangkit to get his hair cut... and then i had a MUSHROOM HERITAGE TOUR... from bangkit to his kumon tuition centre to his primary school to his old house's carpark to his old house void deck to zhenghua community centre and finally back to his house...haha... den we continued to slack until dinner time...TIME TO GROW FAT!!! the food at his house never ending de...oh! and apparently mushrooms dont know how to tie knots so i helped him sew a button onto his uniform!! hopefully it doesnt drop off!! yepp then his dad brought me home((: actually garry did something very funny but i'm too lazy to blog bout it...hurhur... lessons at 9am tmr)): how to wake up?!?!?! omggg...DIE.
Friday, August 08, 2008 Y 5:47 PM HAPPY ONE YEAR DUDE. time passes by so fast...its kindof sick in a way... yepp i've been with the smellie mushroom for a year already... last night i was thinking if one year is enough for me...one year of roller coaster emotions. its kindof scary that i'm starting uni...everything seems so different... i've realised that i've been in my bubble for too long. even my og pple noticed. hurhur i guess i'll be busier than ever in due time. maybe we'll be too busy to call/sms/go out...it might even come to a point we just lose the connection we once had )): i apologise for the depressing thoughts. having dinner alone at home during my one year anniversary is not exactly something i look forward to. maybe cause i was very excited about today ever since monday but now... all has passed and gone away... ![]() and thats my smellie timetable |
colourful jeanna((: 28091989 8-teen ♥s God ♥s the dude(: ongoing ESCAPADES Kester peizhen meiling fabian mel zhengliang zhangmin joel edmund sinyan junning yamon!!! (: bel jane auntie yaya (: shuhui AMY!!! QIQI!((: clarissa into the past ★March 2006 ★April 2006 ★May 2006 ★June 2006 ★July 2006 ★August 2006 ★September 2006 ★October 2006 ★November 2006 ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 ★July 2008 ★August 2008 ★September 2008 ★October 2008 ★November 2008 ★December 2008 ★January 2009 ★February 2009 ★March 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |